A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say, South Carolina

Authorities now say a plane crash in North Myrtle Beach on Sunday killed five people."

A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say
Authorities now say a plane crash in North Myrtle Beach on Sunday killed five people.
News 19 WLTX
July 3, 2023

Video of North Myrtle Beach "A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say" added to our site on July 3, 2023, by News 19 WLTX.

Text description of video "A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say" is Authorities now say a plane crash in North Myrtle Beach on Sunday killed five people.

Video A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say has duration 52s

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Tags of A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say

A plane crash in South Carolina on Sunday left five people dead, authorities say information

Published July 3, 2023
Views 6,947
Duration 52s
Added by News 19 WLTX