Breaking News! China Balloon Shot Down outside of Myrtle Beach South Carolina Atlantic Ocean, South Carolina

We noticed the balloon floating over our house and the Myrtle Beach area on 2-4-2023 around 1pm Eastern time. Couldn't ..."

Breaking News! China Balloon Shot Down outside of Myrtle Beach South Carolina Atlantic Ocean
We noticed the balloon floating over our house and the Myrtle Beach area on 2-4-2023 around 1pm Eastern time. Couldn't ...
Goats, Chickens, and Gardening
February 4, 2023

Video of Myrtle Beach "Breaking News! China Balloon Shot Down outside of Myrtle Beach South Carolina Atlantic Ocean" added to our site on February 4, 2023, by Goats, Chickens, and Gardening.

Text description of video "Breaking News! China Balloon Shot Down outside of Myrtle Beach South Carolina Atlantic Ocean" is We noticed the balloon floating over our house and the Myrtle Beach area on 2-4-2023 around 1pm Eastern time. Couldn't ...

Video Breaking News! China Balloon Shot Down outside of Myrtle Beach South Carolina Atlantic Ocean has duration 1m 11s

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Published February 4, 2023
Views 50
Duration 1m 11s
Added by Goats, Chickens, and Gardening